Wednesday 27 February 2013


When thinking about art direction, Drive was one of the first films I thought of. I think this is purely because it's such a visual film as a whole, and the acting, editing, lighting and the smooth, electro-pop soundtrack all work so well together. When I think of Drive, I picture glossy dark hues with a splash of pink, which is really simple way of showing what the story is about; its a dark film yes, but really its just a love story.

This is one of the first shots we see. Immediately we get a glimpse of the Scorpion jacket, we see little else but a dark reflection and splash of pink.

This is towards the end of the film. We see the iconic jacket, the driver walks down the hall light by show lights towards a blood red curtain. His show is about to start.

 Irene's house:
Contrasting to a lot of the rest of the film, when we enter Irene's home the colours are muted and bland. The top she wears makes her blend in with the walls. I think this reflects a lot about her character, being fairly small and unheard.

 Drivers house:
We see very little of the Driver's house. His character says very little, and often appears half in shadow. The choice to show very little of his home - and what we do see shows only the necessary items and practical tools - reflects this.

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