Monday 4 February 2013

Character Study

My character study:

Gangsta grandad
 Aged 72/3, medium build, almost fully bald expect for a few speckles of grey hair. He wears loose fit trousers, white vest, simple shoes: comfort above all else. He has a couple of tattoos, illustrating a past life in drug crime. His face also bares the marks of thi, with a scar to the side of his right eye. Nowadays, the most important thing to him is his family; he is widowed but has a daughter, who has given him a grandson. All he wants is to be able to provide for him. He doesn't have a lot he doesn't mind; as he has grown older he has learnt to enjoy lifes simpler pleasures. He spends a lot of time in the park and enjoys wildlife. He is big Michael Palin and David Attenborough fan.
He likes to keep healthy and makes regular trips to the local gym to use the free weights. When it rains he also uses the treadmill - but only for a walk as full on running is too tired for him now.

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