Wednesday 27 February 2013


When thinking about art direction, Drive was one of the first films I thought of. I think this is purely because it's such a visual film as a whole, and the acting, editing, lighting and the smooth, electro-pop soundtrack all work so well together. When I think of Drive, I picture glossy dark hues with a splash of pink, which is really simple way of showing what the story is about; its a dark film yes, but really its just a love story.

This is one of the first shots we see. Immediately we get a glimpse of the Scorpion jacket, we see little else but a dark reflection and splash of pink.

This is towards the end of the film. We see the iconic jacket, the driver walks down the hall light by show lights towards a blood red curtain. His show is about to start.

 Irene's house:
Contrasting to a lot of the rest of the film, when we enter Irene's home the colours are muted and bland. The top she wears makes her blend in with the walls. I think this reflects a lot about her character, being fairly small and unheard.

 Drivers house:
We see very little of the Driver's house. His character says very little, and often appears half in shadow. The choice to show very little of his home - and what we do see shows only the necessary items and practical tools - reflects this.


In Juno, the characters distinct personalilties are shown a lot through the place they live. Below are screen shots I took from the film that I think demonstrate this most. 
Juno's Room:

 Juno's locker:

Leah's room:

Bleaker's Room:

Vanessa and Mark's house:

When Juno first meets Vanessa and Mark, the differences in their characters are made obvious when both couples sit opposite each other. Juno and her father, dressed in baggy casual clothing in the earthy colours similar to their home (where the lighting is also always warm). This compares to the ironed shirts and blue colours of Vanessa and Mark. Again, the lighting in their house is colder than that seen in Juno's house. 


Tuesday 26 February 2013

Sam's version

After brainstorming, we gave Sam our ideas to look at and make his ouwn. As director, we felt that it ws important that he directed something that he was passionate about so we think its best that he takes these ideas and makes them his own.

He has stuck with the idea of golf and kept the idea of some kind of gory eye scene. He has decided to make it about loss of eye sight; the protagonist, Robert, is a keen golfer and learns that he has advanced glycoma. His partner is pregnant so this means that he will no longer be able to see his child.

I think it is a good idea though it is quite dark..

Wednesday 20 February 2013

brainstorming ideas

So far we have:

Golf enthusiast who is losing his sight.
- Is an instructor who is jealous of his students working eyes so he takes them.
- Inherited the golf club from his father who's shoes he can't fill.
- First victim is someone who taunts him.
- Out of focus shots to represent his sight.

- A family of zombies who are disliked in their neighbourhood because of their disease.
- They have pictures around the house from when they were uninfected.
- Zombie kids come home hurt and the parents aren't too worried as people are always trying to harm zombies.
- Brain sandwiches.
- Ordinary chores for zombies lead to troubles like losing fingers when doing washing up.

Someone who wakes up as a zombie.

Lonely zombie man.
- Tries to hide his zombie telltale signs.
- Wears a suit to try and look normal but can't pull off the look.
- In his head he has an eloquent way of speaking but in reality he drawls like a zombie.


Tuesday 12 February 2013

Had a meeting with Sam to see if I could find out a bit more about the characters in our 10 min film. The aim was too get more information so I could think about what the characters would wear and details that would feature in the homes or places that the characters live.

Golfer - 30 yrs old
Bright yellow umbrella
middle class

Homeless man - Craig
might look older than he is due to his situation.
has been homeless for a long time
based on the homeless man in endcliffe park

Golfers wife -
v. talkative
pro active

warm lighting  in the living room of the Golfers house.

The details are still quite bare as the script is still undeveloped. However I will try and begin research based on this. 

Monday 4 February 2013

Character Study

My character study:

Gangsta grandad
 Aged 72/3, medium build, almost fully bald expect for a few speckles of grey hair. He wears loose fit trousers, white vest, simple shoes: comfort above all else. He has a couple of tattoos, illustrating a past life in drug crime. His face also bares the marks of thi, with a scar to the side of his right eye. Nowadays, the most important thing to him is his family; he is widowed but has a daughter, who has given him a grandson. All he wants is to be able to provide for him. He doesn't have a lot he doesn't mind; as he has grown older he has learnt to enjoy lifes simpler pleasures. He spends a lot of time in the park and enjoys wildlife. He is big Michael Palin and David Attenborough fan.
He likes to keep healthy and makes regular trips to the local gym to use the free weights. When it rains he also uses the treadmill - but only for a walk as full on running is too tired for him now.