Sunday 14 April 2013

Shoot Day #4

Today was our final day of filming in the opticians. There was very little do as we just had to cover Diana's lines and shots. Again, we were only allowed an hour to film but this was enough time to get everything we needed. 


Shooting day #3

Today we were shooting at the driving range. The shoot went really well, we managed to get through everything really quickly enabling us to have enough time to get coverage.

Robert's House

There was already a lot of very specific decoration in the location for Robert's house and what I was allowed to change and move around was minimal. With this in mind, I tried to add little details here and there. 

Saturday 13 April 2013

Shoot Day #2

Today's shoot involved filming the scenes in the park. It was all really rushed because the actor who was playing the homeless character, showed up saying he could only film for three hours. We had planned on filming all day and had been given no previous notice from him that he could not do this. What was also frustrating, was that he showed up with only the clothes he was wearing, which weren't very fitting for the costume. Two weeks prior to this shoot I had sent out costume requirements, saying that I could obtain anything that the actors didn't have. The actor playing the homeless man didn't respond so we assumed that he had suitable clothing he could wear. This meant that all I brought to the set for his costume were sleeping bag, blankets and scarf. As he showed up wearing what he did, he really doesn't look homeless and this is so frustrating for me. I think he looks a lot more like he just walked out from home for the night, not a long term guy who has been lving on the streets for a while. He was also cleanly shaven and though this isn't the biggest point, I had asked that he didn't shave well in advance, so as to appear as scruffy as possible. 
The shoot itself was ok but as we found out about our actor only being available for three hours when he arrived on set, we had to change the shooting order to as all his scenes were shot first. This meant that

Shoot Day #1

Today was our first day of filming the ten minute film. It went pretty well; the weather wasn't too bad and we had enough time to get some coverage. I'm really pleased with the clothes the actor showed up in too, as the fit my description really well. I think the only thing that falls outside of my image of Robert, is the tattoos that our actor has all down one arm. 

In the evening we then shot everything in the house. This wasn't quite as smooth as this morning. This was mainly because it didn't seem like there was a shooting order so no one knew what we were filming next. Also, there were a lot of shots storyboarded for this scene and so even just shooting a sequence of Robert entering the house, took a couple of hours, as there was at least one shoot for each movement. These things combined meant that everything took a really long time, and as we were shooting at night, it was clear that everyone was getting tired, including our actor. 

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Fake eyeball test #1

Following one of the articles I found online, I decided to try and create the fake eyeball out of condoms. It did not work in the slightest. I didn't both trying to make it look bloody because the previous steps were so unsuccessful. The main issue was that the instructions stated that you had to tie a knot in the condom and then cut it. However, due to the lubrication on the condom the knot just didn't hold. this left the rest of the process redundant as if the it doesn't stay tied up, nothing else would work. End result looking pretty dire.