Wednesday 27 March 2013


We had a tutorial today and went over the script that Sam wrote. We decided that the Anna character isn't that important to the piece and that actually it would be more fitting if it was just focused around the golf. I think this would work better as it would be more suitable for the length of the film but also because I think that its a simpler story so it gives us a chance to focus more on the sensory elements of the film, without over complicating things.

This now means that I no longer have to consider how to pull off a convincing pregnant belly

Friday 15 March 2013


making fake eyes..

During the fantasy scene in the film, the main character imagines gouging out the homeless mans eyes. I have a few ideas of how I would create this, as the eye will appear on screen. Back home, we've been able to get eyeballs from the butchers for free, so I'm hoping that it will as easy here. However, there are a couple of things I found online that I could try as back up. The first, is from a blog that I came across covering horror special effects.

I think this one sounds pretty interesting and out all the ideas I saw, this was one that I could really imagine looking gruesome. 

There are also a lot of videos online such as this..


If everything else fails, I think I will experiment with Lychees.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Robert's costume

The description of Robert in the script reminded me of someone who would dress a little bit like Justin Timberlake who, coincidentally, plays golf. I imagine Robert wears a blue shirt and waistcoat to work. For more casual occasions, brown desert shoes, dark blue loose fit jeans, shirt with t shirt underneath..

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Robert' brainstorm

28 years old
young professional
'gives off an air of cool'
smartly dressed
plays golf
wears single golf glove
'operating like a true professional'
'working efficiently'
'driven to excellence'
 - takes things seriously

Bench scene with yellow umbrella - likes time to himself, a thinker, considerate, thoughtful
tidy and clean, cars for appearence
should be in good shape with a neat haircut
amiable and sociable

Anna's costume

thinking about straight cuts .. she is at home though, and pregnant so the style must be casual. t-shirt with low square neck would be good, ideally black. if not a low cut rounded cut.

trousers to be denim or soft. must be plain.
or a white baggy t with a cardy.

Monday 11 March 2013

Craig - initail thoughts

The homeless character in our film is called Craig and is about 40 years old.

The idea of dressing up someone as homeless is fairly generic so I think it would be good to include a couple of possessions  - really carefully chosen ones - that give away a lot more about who the character is.

I liked the idea that Craig was once a musician, so carries round a battered notebook filed with original compositions. But then I was reminded of the Soloist.. so maybe not.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

ideas for 2 minute film

-losing sight
-robert is driving and loses sight momentarily
-heightened sensory elements
-brighter lights
-louder cars
-people shouting
-internal monologue
-music playing in the car
-abandons car at the end

Sure Swing moodboard

Tuesday 5 March 2013

pregnancy belly

Found this website for fake pregnancy bellies. Hilarious and useful, paricularly good for the shape I will have to try obtain. 


Saturday 2 March 2013

Scipt # 1

Sure Swing By
samuel brown
ERIC (35) aged beyond his years, scruffy in appearance,
layered up with numerous; clothes, coats, blankets.
Plastic carrier bags tied round his socks, snuggled up in
a dirty worn sleeping bag, lying upon a dark green park
bench. Stiff intoxicated, asleep.
The sun rises breaking into a crisp new day, fresh buds of
spring poke out of the ground, all around, coming into
life. ERIC stirs as light pours over him. A pair of
joggers run past.
ERIC drops his bundled legs, swinging his body upwards,
slumping back against the bench. He looks outward before
dropping his gaze. Slumping forward his hand clumsily
fumbles for a bottle of what looks like anti freeze, from
the cold hard concrete.
Swinging upwards his back cracks on the bench, lifting the
bottle to his lips. Rocking back and forth he swings up
into a stand on the third count, sleeping bag dropping to
his knees. He steps out and stomps along getting heat into
his legs and feet.
ROBERT COLSON(28) a smartly dressed young professional
whom gives off an air of cool, swiftly walks past, with a
golf bag swung over his shoulder, wearing a single white
golf glove on his left hand.
A suburban road lined with cars, crossing platforms jut
out into the road with black and white striped bollards.
NAME walks up to the crossing, the focus shifts from the
road he’s about to cross, to his single gloved hand. We
see his full profile, taking a cool stance. He crosses the
road following a car’s passing.
A 20 bay driving range, green AstroTurf lines the floor
fluorescent lit from overhead, each separated by red
barriers. Distance marker boards stretch up the range.
ROBERT places down his golf bag and bucket of balls,
selects a wood, before putting it behind his shoulder
blades, swinging left to right, as a warm up exercise.
Operating as a true professional, working efficiently up
through the woods, into the drivers. Focused on his
target, driven to excellence.
ROBERTS’s focus starts to go off, throwing off his game,
at first he thinks it’s the club, so changes for another,
but his game drastically deteriorates. As time slows he
swings and misses the ball. Everything becomes highly
The ball disappears from the T in front of his eyes, a
double take. An intense headache over whelms him. He drops
to one knee clutching his head, staying upright with the
grip on his club, knocking the ball from the T.
The club falls, dropping his hand he feels the AstroTurf
ground, dragging his finger tips over the rough texture.
Letters abstract shapes and colours are flashed up on a
computer screen, reflected in a mirror, different filters
are placed in front of ROBERT’s view. The letters dip in
and out of focus as NAME strugles to see.
                    OPTOMETRIST (V/O)
          Read the letters on the chart
                    MR COLSON
          A D Y errr...
                    OPTOMETRIST (V/O)
          A or B, A or B, A or B, A or B...
ROBERT is placed infront of a field of view test; a white
bowel with a red dot in the middle, with small green dots
of light. A button is placed in his hand.
                    OPTOMETRIST (V/O)
          This test will determine your
          field of view, press the button
          when you see a green light.
The lights flash up ROBERT only presses the button when
they are near the centre.
ROBERT sits on a bench overlooking the green, holding a
bright yellow umbrella. It is raining everything is dull
and gray washed. He looks miserable, full of complete
                    OPTOMETRIST (V/O)
          (muffled picking out key words)
          Mr Corson... we are afraid to
          say, we suspect you have, fairly
          advanced glaucoma. Basically the
                    OPTOMETRIST (V/O) (cont’d)
          increased pressure in your eyes
          has created, irreversible damage,
          to the optic nerve, you may or
          may not have noticed a decrease
          in peripheral vision over the
          past few months or even years, it
          can also cause severe headaches.
          Unfortunately it is quite advance
          and is now effecting your central
          vision. At this stage it can be
          quite rapid and you may loose
          sight within a matter of days. In
          terms of treatment... it is best
          caught in the early days, at this
          stage it is hard to say if we can
          save what sight remains. The
          damage done is irreversible.
          do you have any questions?
          Mr Corson?
The hallway is dark and warm, with dark smoked oak
laminate flooring. Yellow miniature daffodils sit on top
of a white painted wooden radiator cover. Modern refined
tastes with a sense of luxury.
Everything is highly sensory. ROBERT softly grips the door
handle, silently entering his home, he quietly places the
golf bag down, removes his shoes, tucking them neatly
under a wooden cabinet. He removes a large brown envelope
from inside his coat, before throwing it over the
banister, wrapping itself round as sound becomes muffled.
He gingerly walks to the door of the living room, silent.
Raising his arm, his hand hovers over the door handle,
with a build up of drama and purpose, emotion overwhelms.
The living room is cosy and inviting, with dark leather
sofas, and designer textured wallpaper. A small
understated tv sits in the corner.
ANNA (27), a young sophisticated professional, in her
second trimester with ROBERT’s son, is sat relaxing on the
sofa after a long days work, reading up on employment law.
She takes a sip of icy orange juice, before dropping her
hand to stroke the small visible bump.
          It won’t be long now little man,
          we’re half way through, you hang
          in there.
She smiles to herself before returning to her book.
Robert is still stood out in the darkened hall in the same
position, he collects himself, breathes in and softly
pulls down on the handle.
ANNA hears ROBERT entering the room and briefly looks up.
          Hey sweet, how was your day? it
          was a long day at work but we got
looking down at her stomach stroking it lightly.
          management is still being an
          absolute pain, I’m sensing a bit
          of sourness, well that’s an
          understatement, a reluctancy,
          towards the statutory maternity
          pay, shall we say. You would have
          thought after not having a single
          day off or even late once in 6
          years they would show some form
          of compassion, but I can
          understand, it’s a small
          company... though we still need
          to feed this little man, and hey
          that’s the predicaments of a
          modern woman.
By this point ROBERT has slowly shuffled across the room
and stifly sat down adjacent to her, brown paper envelope
in hand. Anna looks up and realises the raw emotion on his
          What’s wrong? what’s happend?
what’s that?
Gesturing to the envelope, ROBERT removes the papers from
          I’ve been to the opticians, these
          are the test results, (beat) I
          have Glaucoma... I my never see
          our son being born
Standing up, Anna frantically grasps at the papers,
becoming emotional.
          What do you mean, I don’t
Tears roll down ANNA’s face, ROBERT rises putting his hand
round her face feeling the contours, before going for an
          It’s ok. It’s ok.
An image of ANNA’s eyes flash up, ROBERT kisses her
forhead, quickly switching to kissing her eye, everything
is monochrome.
Switching back to reality he pulls away from ANNA, pushing
his palms into his eyes, sliding the preassure round to
his temples.
          I’m sorry my head, hurts.
Shallow focus surrounds the golf clubs, sitting in the
warm darkened hall, paying attention to the textures of
the lines on the club heads.
ROBERT walks the path golf clubs on his back, glancing at
ERIC as he walks past, faltering, ERIC’s face flashes up
on screen in monochrome, then his eyes. Switching back,
NAME scrtunches his eyes and gives his head a little
shake, keeping his pace.
An unkept pitch and put with overgrown grass, uneven
greens and unflagged holes. 6 coloured cups are lined in a
row on the green. With 6 golf balls lined up opposite on
ROBERT attempts to chip each ball into a cup, but his
vision plays tricks on him, balls and cups dissappear, his
focussing becomes blury, resulting in every ball missing
the cups.
Frustrated he puts the club back in the bag, heaving it
over his shoulder, and walks off.
Walking back the way ROBERT came he spots ERIC in his
usual spot, as he comes up to him ROBERT’S headache
intensifies, ERIC’s eyes flash up, ROBERT drops to his
knees clutching his head. A monochrome sequence ensues.
ROBERT carefully selects a golf club, sliding out from the
bag, gripping it with two hands, resting it on his
shoulder. He walks over to ERIC and cracks him over the
head with it.
Smiling he slides the bloody club down to it’s head in his
hand. HE gouges out ERIC’s eye, as ERIC wrigles, writhes
and screams.
He drops the golf club, and goes to eat the eyeball,
leaving the club lying on the ground covered with thick
red blood.
ROBERT returns to reality, snapping back to colour, on his
knees, he heaves, bringing up his stomachs contents,
before fainting.
ROBERT and ERIC sit next to each other on the bench
casually exchanging a few words.
          How long have you been out here
          nea bout 10 year, lost sight bout
          5 year, nerer look back since.
          Mind drink did t me.
          How do you not get cold?
          ah layer up wi t ganzy’s, eeor
i’m not nesh.
ROBERT looks totally puzzled, when ANNA walks along the
path upto the bench.
          ROBERT, sweet, what are you doing
          out here? where have you been?
          Eyup duck, this ya missus? He
          decked it bout 2 night back, I’ve
          looked after him good don’t you
          Who is this?
          This is Erric, he’s helped me
          Thank-you so much Erric if there
          is anything you ever need?
          Cheers duck but i’m set
          Look we need you and want you,
          you have everything you could
          possibly want, come home.
          Sure thing
ROBERT stands up reaching out for her arm completely
blind. Dip to black. A baby begins to cry.
From blackness, the faint sound of beeping fills the air,
the sound of a tongue clicking soon follows, the image
clicks on. ROBERT has a sensor attatched to his club which
beeps when over the T.
A line of 4 balls are T’d up, with a line of 3 coloured
cups, he chips the first three, each making a loud clunk,
he slides the 3 iron back in the bag, selecting a 7.
He measures the club up to the beeping T, swings, chipping
the ball to the green, it rolls over to the hole and,